One could say that web hosting has gone mad with its never ending array of niche variations. These days, web hosting comes in so many different forms that keeping up with all of them gets pretty confusing. You’ve got your eco-friendly companies who like to boast green web hosting, then there are the religious types who tag their services as Christian or Catholic web hosting. I had to do a double-take after researching some info on Google and finding a company that offers web hosting for people with pets. Crazy I tell you.I’m gonna keep things simple in this article and discuss two kinds of web hosting that are quite similar yet oh so distinct - shared hosting and managed hosting.
Shared Web HostingIf you haven’t read any of my other articles or anyone else’s on the subject, shared hosting describes a traditional web hosting arrangement. This is the most common form of web hosting, mainly because it is fairly simple and cost-effective. Even someone who isn’t all that technically inclined can excel in this environment thanks to innovation that has made web hosting far more user-friendly than past times. The web host takes care of all the administrative tasks and server maintenance. All you have to do is build your website and maintain it through a control panel application. No complicated server configurations or installations. Whatever applications you need to install can usually be incorporated with a program like Fantastico which simply calls for you click the mouse a few times and wala.Managed Web HostingThe level of service you generally get from a managed web hosting provider is quite similar to that of shared hosting. For instance, the average scenario spares you from all the complex server administrative tasks as the web host takes care of that. You are provided with a control panel which allows you to create your website and easily manage things from the client side. With the provider maintaining the server, you are essentially free to get out there and market your site with minimal worry, just as you could with shared web hosting.All in the ServerThe similarity of shared and managed hosting all boils down to server administration. The differences relate to the server as well. In a shared web hosting arrangement, you are sharing the server and all its vital resources with other webmasters. In its most common application, managed hosting refers to a dedicated server, a solution that provides you with a server dedicated solely to your usage. Because a server calls for a greater level of responsibility, the managed hosting provider steps in alleviates you from all the madness.Although shared web hosting is far less expensive, it also leaves you more restricted while managed hosting provides a similar level of simplicity along with more flexibility and control at a higher price.
Shared Web HostingIf you haven’t read any of my other articles or anyone else’s on the subject, shared hosting describes a traditional web hosting arrangement. This is the most common form of web hosting, mainly because it is fairly simple and cost-effective. Even someone who isn’t all that technically inclined can excel in this environment thanks to innovation that has made web hosting far more user-friendly than past times. The web host takes care of all the administrative tasks and server maintenance. All you have to do is build your website and maintain it through a control panel application. No complicated server configurations or installations. Whatever applications you need to install can usually be incorporated with a program like Fantastico which simply calls for you click the mouse a few times and wala.Managed Web HostingThe level of service you generally get from a managed web hosting provider is quite similar to that of shared hosting. For instance, the average scenario spares you from all the complex server administrative tasks as the web host takes care of that. You are provided with a control panel which allows you to create your website and easily manage things from the client side. With the provider maintaining the server, you are essentially free to get out there and market your site with minimal worry, just as you could with shared web hosting.All in the ServerThe similarity of shared and managed hosting all boils down to server administration. The differences relate to the server as well. In a shared web hosting arrangement, you are sharing the server and all its vital resources with other webmasters. In its most common application, managed hosting refers to a dedicated server, a solution that provides you with a server dedicated solely to your usage. Because a server calls for a greater level of responsibility, the managed hosting provider steps in alleviates you from all the madness.Although shared web hosting is far less expensive, it also leaves you more restricted while managed hosting provides a similar level of simplicity along with more flexibility and control at a higher price.
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